The 5 R's of Cellular Healing

Restoring Optimal Health and Wellbeing

Remove the Source

Which sources (Heavy metals, bio-toxins, environmental toxins and or toxins inside your home) are causing biological damage? We need to identify them so they can be safely flushed out of the body.

Regenerate the Cell Membrane

In healthy individuals the supple biolipid fat layer of the cellular membrane allows both nutrients to flow inside the body easily as well as toxins and free radicals to leave uninterrupted unimpeded. If inflamed- nothing can go in and nothing can come out. Cells then become a true wasteland. Inflammation also compromises our cells ability to function efficiently which then effects our ability to hear the hormonal impression though hormonal receptors that reside outside the cellular membrane.

Restore Cellular Energy

As nutrients flow into the cell, they fuel the powerhouse called the mitochondria Which produces ATP (energy). Without adequate production of ATP, our cells are unable to detox or regenerate properly.

Reduce Inflammation

Inflammation and oxidized stress are the root causes of most disease.

Toxic inflammation is produced from these main sources:

  • Overconsumption of refined sugars and grains

  • Bad fats + toxins from food sources

  • Cosmetics

  • Air pollution

  • Cleaning products

  • Toxic building materials

  • Toxic mattresses + beddings

  • EMF

Re-establish Methylation

The body needs methyl groups to turn stress hormones on and off. If depleted our body stays in a constant state of stress. If our methyl groups are nonexistent or in short supply the important roles they play in detoxification, DNA protection, hormone metabolism and epigenetics are unable to be performed.


The Top 10 Most Common Toxins and How to Address Them